College of Nursing Sciences, Obudu Entrance Exam Date 2024

The College of Nursing Sciences, Obudu has announced its entrance examination dates for the 2024/2025 academic session.

This announcement is made to accommodate other official engagements and ensure a smooth process for all candidates.

College of Nursing Sciences, Obudu Entrance Exam Date 2024 Examination Details

InstitutionCollege of Nursing Sciences, Obudu
Exam TypeEntrance and Screening
ProgrammesBasic Midwifery, National Diploma (ND)
Basic Midwifery17th August 2024
ND Exams20th August 2024
Original Dates10th and 13th August 2024
NoticeDate changes due to official engagements
ApologyManagement regrets any inconveniences
College of Nursing Sciences, Obudu Entrance Exam Date 2024

Revised Examination Dates

The new dates for the entrance exams are as follows:

  • Basic Midwifery: Saturday, 17th August 2024
  • National Diploma (ND): Tuesday, 20th August 2024

These changes are made to ensure a smoother and more efficient examination process.

The college management apologizes for any inconvenience caused.

Important Information for Candidates

Candidates should note the new dates and adjust their schedules accordingly.

The college management stresses the importance of punctuality and thorough preparation for a successful examination experience.

Preparing for the Examination

To do well in the entrance exams, candidates are advised to:

  • Review Study Materials: Focus on the relevant subjects and topics that will be covered in the exams.
  • Practice Past Questions: Get familiar with the format and types of questions from previous exams.
  • Stay Updated: Keep an eye on official announcements from the college for any further updates or changes.

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