Discourse on the problems facing the Government-owned schools in Nigeria and solutions to it

A school is a place where educational institutions provide primary and secondary education, prior to tertiary education, according to “wiktionary.org”. This generally means a school is a place where learning of educational activities for the students takes place. But what are the problems that are affecting the government-owned school in Nigeria? The problems are going to be discussed below.


This article is not meant to lampoon the government or criticize them. It is written for educational purposes only. Also, this article is written with a good intention and should be categorized with any other acts.

Government-owned schools are popularly referred to as “Public Schools condition of the structures of such schools, like a large number of students in the school, the unwholesome nature of the entire vicinity as well as the laissez-faire attitude of most students.

Some of the problems faced by these schools include the absence of functional libraries, the poor state of laboratories insufficient number of subject teachers, open-roof classrooms, thereby causing leakages; dilapidated fence, and gates of the school, playground, poor toilet condition, lack of pipe-borne water for students, insufficient food centers, broken chairs and tables, poor condition of the classrooms, badly fenced premises, non-provision of school buses by government and so on.

Firstly, most schools in some states have no libraries and due to this students are finding it hard for them to study. This, on its own, is a major fault that demands urgent action by the government if the saying that “the youths are the leaders of tomorrow is something to hold on to.

Secondly, the poor state of laboratories in most government schools has become an eyesore. Though those laboratories exist, they are nothing but empty structures with no laboratory equipment in them. For science students, most of the chemical equipment for experiments is broken while some have worn out.

Even the laboratories lack the most modern storage devices, computers, good fans or air conditioners, spacious environment, cupboard, First Aid equipment, and other things necessary for students to use for practical classes.

Also, most government-owned schools lack enough subject teachers to teach them. For this purpose, one teacher teaches about two to three subjects, and as we all know, Jack of all trades will end up being a master in none.

It is not easy for the students to be receiving class under hot sunny weather or rainy season due to open roof classrooms and half-fenced buildings. Students even prefer to stay at home during rainy periods because there is no need to stay in a classroom that is not better than staying outside. Due to the bad fence and gates in these schools, students who come late will jump over the fence and bypass the gate to escape the punishment which is not part of the learning process for them, what this causes is the neglect of teachers, rudeness, waywardness, stubbornness and in severe cases, some boys may end up beating the gatekeeper if he chases after them. The students are now having the avenue to exhibit the act of indiscipline in the school.

Playing and exercising is another way of making a child learn, and the facility is highly absent in some government-owned schools. Even fields for football and other sporting activities are not taken into consideration in the design of the school buildings.

At the end of six years, it is assumed that the child that passed through this kind of learning environment has incomplete learning procedures as the school has not passed through that child.

One of the most essential needs of man is water and a conducive place to pass out feces. When these two facilities are not there then the environment remains non-habitable for anyone.

Even good canteens/centers are to be provided by the government whenever a school is going to be built since students cannot leave their school to go back home and eat during break periods.

Another most annoying thing is for the teacher to come in to teach and find out that a large number of students are either standing or patching on themselves due to broken chairs and tables or shortage of supply of furniture to some schools. A standard classroom is one with good roofing, good chairs, and tables, clean water electricity, chilled environment computers, well-ventilated environment as well as peaceful atmosphere to make the school environment a better place for the students. 

Finally, the government must provide for students school buses, farmland for agricultural science, and other things. Since some schools are far from the homes of these students, thereby making them trek long distances to school, it will be advisable for the government to provide mobility for the students to curb lateness.

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Possible solutions to the problems facing Government-owned schools

However, everything that has a beginning must have an end, and every problem in this life has solutions to it.

  1. Government must ensure that there is a good and conducive learning environment to make the government schools more attractive than privately owned schools. 
  2. There is also a need for the provision of good roads leading to the schools, more well-structured schools, pipe-borne water, food centers/ canteens, laboratories, libraries, good roofs, well-equipped Classrooms, spacious environment to serve as a playground as well as sporting centers for students. 

When all the above-mentioned amenities are put in place, schools will become more attractive to attend and these would enhance the performance of students to make the nation proud.

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