Do medical schools require calculus for admission?: This question has been one of the most asked questions among prospective medical students. Nevertheless, your search intent regarding this query is going to be satisfied in this short article. However, before we proceed to answer this question. A little introduction to Calculus is essential to discuss.
What does Calculus Mean?
Calculus is the mathematical study of constant evolution, much as how algebra is the study of generalizations of arithmetic operations, and geometry is the study of shape.
In reference to the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC), out of all medical institutions in the US, only 20% require calculus.
Medical schools require subjects in natural science like Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. Although, not all medical schools require math. This is why you have to make sure you check out the requirements for the medical school you intend to go to.

But Do Medical Schools Even Require Calculus?
No, calculus is not a necessary subject for the majority of medical schools (at least in the United States). Math is primarily merely a preference, despite the fact that some schools do (more on this later). You must examine the regulations set forth by each specific institution if you want to be 100% certain, as they frequently change their requirements.
Reasons Some Medical Schools Require Calculus
Having stated above, calculus is not typically required, however, certain medical schools do. Here are a few hypotheses, albeit we can’t be absolutely positive about their causes:
- Calculus is essential for high-level statistics (medical school requires some statistics).
- Calculus can be used to support advanced medical research (helping secure funding)
- A deeper grasp of physics and chemistry depends on it.
- It can assist with MCAT questions based on statistics.
- But even though mastering mathematics can undoubtedly aid in the aforementioned goals, it is by no means necessary in order to become a practicing physician.
For the majority of pre-meds, having the opportunity to study is preferable to taking a math course that might destroy their GPA.
Now, let’s examine the medical schools in America that require calculus for admission.
List Of Medical Schools That Require Calculus In 2024/2025
- Harvard University
- Brown University
- Dartmouth
- John Hopkins
- Duke
- Texas A And M University etc.
Do most medical students know calculus?
While some medical students who will graduate in the early 2020s have taken necessary math courses in college, the number is dwindling.
The decreasing number of medical schools that no longer demand mathematics as a prerequisite for pre-med shows this.
However, this was not the situation a few decades ago. 90% of medical students admitted to medical school in 1997 had taken calculus, according to AAMC data (Source).
Why is calculus necessary for medical school?
Calculus is necessary for medical school since it will help you comprehend chemistry and physics better than you would without it. Even though most students despite calculus, you might wish to study it because physics and chemistry are heavily weighted on the MCAT. The majority of medical students think that calculus is not necessary for doctors, however, taking one semester of calculus can improve your chances of being accepted into medical school.
Do Doctors need calculus?
The answer is no unless you’re an interventional radiologist who is curious about the computational algorithms of the equipment you utilize.
99 percent of doctors who practice modern medicine don’t use calculus. Not in the sense that a doctor spends most of their working day diagnosing patients and developing treatment strategies.
Wrapping Up do medical schools require calculus
It’s vital to check directly to determine if the institution you’re interested in requires calculus because admission requirements change annually.

His name is Ibrahim Olamide ” the CEO of SCHOOLINFOSPOT He is a writer, poet, educational consultant, and also reporter who cherishes reporting the latest updates in educational news around the world. Also, he is committed to assisting the learners in terms of learning and other aspects. |UNILORITE|