JAMB Announces the Cut Off Mark for 2024/2025 [UPDATED]

JAMB Announces The Cut Off Mark for 2024/2025: The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) and higher education stakeholders on Thursday in Abuja set 140 as the minimum Cut Off Mark for admission to universities in the country by 2022.

The cut off mark for polytechnics and colleges of education was set at 100.

The deadline decision was made at the 2022 Policy Meeting on Admission of Nigerian Certificate of Education (NCE) and National Diploma (ND) ongoing at the International Conference Centre, Abuja.

The Minister of Education, Adamu Adamu, chaired the meeting.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Adamu warned Nigerian universities about illegal admissions, saying all admissions to the country’s universities, colleges and Polytechnics must be processed through the Central Admission Processing System (CAPS) known as JAMB CAPS.

See how to check JAMB Results 2024/2025

The minister said any university director involved in illegal admissions would be prosecuted, even if the wrongdoing was only discovered after his term of office.

The meeting concluded that “each institution can set a minimum UTME score that is acceptable for admission. Likewise for direct Entry, each institution determines the number of credits required for direct entry. However, no institution can recommend or accept candidates with less than two Direct Entry points.

JAMB Announces The Cut Off Mark for 2024/2025

“Similarly, no institution will permit/accept an applicant’s promotion to a degree unless the applicant has completed at least two consecutive full-time sessions at the institution.”

The meeting also decided that “no institution has the authority to recommend or accept candidates whose total score is below the minimum score proposed by the institution and approved by the policy meeting. The sum of all points used to rank candidates will be taken into account when determining the passing percentage.

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Summarization Of JAMB Announces The Cut Off Mark for 2024/2025

  • The cut off mark for polytechnics and colleges of education was set at 100.
  • The minimum cut off Mark for Universities is 140.
  • No institution can recommend or accept candidates with less than two Direct Entry points.
  • No institution must permit/accept an applicant’s promotion to a degree unless the applicant has completed at least two consecutive full-time sessions at the institution.

For further information about the JAMB Cut Off Mark 2024/2025, click here.

6 thoughts on “JAMB Announces the Cut Off Mark for 2024/2025 [UPDATED]”

  1. I scored 183 in both jamb and screening to study mass communications. I have not been given admission yet

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